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Seminar on "Improving educational programs on the basis of competence approach"

May 29, 2019 an international seminar on

Ingenio celebrates its second Away Day, which will take place on Wednesday May 15, 2019 in the Centre Octubre (C/ Sant Ferran, 12 - 46001 València).


  • Present the progress of the "Historical Memory" team and discuss some implications
  • To reflect on the role that each member of INGENIO plays and how they can improve interactions with the Institute

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El pasado 11 de abril, INGENIO organizó una sesión participativa con diferentes actores españoles, para identificar aspectos relevantes, retos y problemáticas, para la medición de la gestión de la ética en la ciencia e innovación en España.

Con el objetivo de poner en común diferentes experiencias y perspectivas sobre los desafíos que enfrenta el sector de la salud, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) organiza, el próximo 7 de mayo, la mesa redonda “Futuros posibles en innovación, medicina y salud en la Comunidad Valenciana: De la inteligencia artificial a las nuevas necesidades sociales”.

The website “Green Tech Database” has been developed with the objective to provide emperical evidences about the distribution and the evolution of green technologies development over the world.

Alejandra Boni will participate in the workshop: "Transformative innovation. Solutions for development from and for people". Organized by the British Council of Mexico and SPRU. Mexico City, 9-11 March 2019

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On Friday 8th March, Alejandra Boni will give the seminar: "Towards a framework for Transformative Innovation Policy Evaluation" | College of Business and Economics (University of Johannesburg).

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La Universitat Politècnica de València acogerá, los próximos días 1 y 2 de marzo, el I Congreso Internacional Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades.

Jordi Molas (Director of Ingenio) and Alejandra Boni (Deputy director of Ingenio) will attend the "Inter-network dialogue: towards a transformative agenda for the STI community", organised by Eu-SPRI in association with STRN and TIPC and with a representation of Globelics members.

Jordi Molas and Alejandra Boni will participate, next January 29th, in a Workshop at the Swedish Agency for Innovation (Vinnova).

Alejandra Boni,deputy director of Ingenio (CSIC-UPV), will participate in the Workshop "Global justice in and through education" that takes place in Paris on November 29 and 30, 2018.

A.Boni will present "Epistemic Injustice: What's the Role for Higher Education? Insights form the Capability Approach"

More information:

Ismael Ràfols will participate in the GUNi International Conference will be held in Barcelona, Catalonia, from 19th to 20th November 2018 at the CosmoCaixa Science Museum in Barcelona.

Mónica García Melón, Hannia González Urango, Michela LePira & Giuseppe Inturri awarded for most innovative idea presented at the "ISAHP 2018 Conference International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process", for their paper:

Nicolás Robinson will participate at the European Summer School for Scientometrics:

"Disentangling Gold Open Access: Disciplinary and Country Effect"                                                   

Jordi Molas-Gallart, director of INGENIO, participates in the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2018).

Panel Discussion: "Assessing and enhancing the social impact of research" - Tuesday, 10th July 2018

Ismael Ràfols will participate in the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF 2018)

Panel Discussion: "Experiments in responsible metrics: how can we use indicators and data to support open science?" - Tuesday, 10th July 2018