Past Seminars & Research Group Meetings
Redes de colaboración para la innovación transformativa: casos de estudio en Costa Rica
Jeffrey Orozco B. - Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad Nacional. CINPE-UNA
A Deep Transition framework for Transformative Investment
Johan Schot - Centre for Global Challenges - Utrecht University
Equity for women in science
Cassidy Sugimoto - Georgia Institute of Technology
Local Ecosystem Services and Cooperation as Economic Development Drivers for Inner Areas: Research Insights on Casentino and Valtiberina Valleys
Leonardo Rosini - Università degli Studi di Firenze
Sustainability and Transformative Learning Spaces. The experience of the Sustainability Universities in South Africa (SUSA) project.
Melanie Walker - South African Research Chair in Higher Education and Human Development. Univesity of the Free State, South Africa.
La divulgación arqueológica como medio de inclusión social: experiencias y desafíos
Juan F. Gibaja - Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC
DIMARTS DE CIÈNCIA TRANSFORMADORA: Lideratges transformadors en la ciència
Jordi Cartanyà - Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
De las palabras a los hechos: clima ético y comportamiento responsable en las organizaciones
Dr. José-Félix Lozano - Ingenio (CSIC-Universitat Politècnica de València)
Simposio | Dimensiones tecno-sociales de la electrificación y automatización del vehículo
Bertha Vallejo - TwINS Afrika | investigadora visitante en INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
La política d'innovació transformativa: oportunitats i reptes per impulsar les transformacions de les universitats
Salim Chalela Naffah - Govern de Colòmbia
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Mapping new knowledge: Using novelty measures critically
Magda Fontana - University of Turin
La ciencia en la fantasía épica
Mariano Martín Rodriguez - Investigador Independiente
Dolores y desórdenes menstruales en España: Experiencias en la búsqueda de atención médica
Sara Sánchez López - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Co-creation through science and the arts
Katarina Larsen - Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm
Neuromaternal: de la ciencia a la sociedad, y de la sociedad a la ciencia
Magdalena Martínez-García | Cristina Ballesteros Sánchez - Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón
Proximidad e Innovación: análisis bibliométrico y agenda de investigación
Victor Pelaez - Universidade Federal do Paraná
Inter- y transdisciplina en las Universidades Estatales Chilenas: desafíos y obstáculos para avanzar en su institucionalización
Pablo Villalobos - Universidad de Talca
Scientific impact: Blessing or curse? Researchers’ happiness and work-life balance
Joaquín María Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Reimagining Urban Futures: Insights from Ukrainian Recovery Research
Oksana Udovyk - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Inclusión energética y vulnerabilidad socioespacial – informes de investigación en Valencia (España) y contribuciones a la realidad brasileña
Heleniza Campos - Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
The contribution of economic growth and university knowledge to the technological quality of business patents
Manuel Acosta, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Daniel Coronado, Esther Ferrándiz - University of Cádiz (UCA)
System dynamics as a tool for modelling complex systems
Tommaso Brazzini - University of Valladolid
Target Objects and Authority Relationships as Complementary Explanations of (Non)Science Commercialization
Inma Aleixos - University of Stuttgart
Building a “digital machine” to study emotions about nature and animals on social media
Isaac Nahon-Serfaty - University of Ottawa
Opportunities and challenges from generative AI
Sean Kask - SAP (Schweiz) AG
Arte, comunicación científica e impacto de la investigación
Joaquín Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSCI-UPV)
La empresa española y las Universidades europeas. Cooperando para la innovación a lo largo del ciclo económico
Ruth Rama - Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía (IEGD), CSIC
Innovation, Income Inequalities and Public Policies
Fulvio Castellacci - TIK Centre, University of Oslo
Rethinkin university community partnerships contribution to community climate well-being: insights from Malawi
Chimwemwe Phiri - University of the Free State
Smart Cities – Delivering Public Value through Responsible Urban Digital Innovation
Jennifer Schooling - Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction
Walking the green line: government-sponsored R&D and clean technologies in the US
Francesco Rentocchini - European Commission Joint Research Centre
How do cooperation and scientific research influence drug development? The case of cancer disease
Connecting innovation to human capabilities: a case study of township innovators in South Africa
Erika Kraemer-Mbula - College of Business & Economics | University of Johannesburg
Generación, transferencia, uso y circulación del conocimiento ¿hacia dónde se dirige la investigación universitaria?
Salim Chalela Naffah - Universidad del Rosario
Visual anthropology and the incorporation of the photovoice method as a tool to support and incorporate communities in research and qualitative work
Mirtha García - Arizona State University
Sequencing, bibliometrics and history: a from-below approach to the emergence of human genomics
Miguel García-Sancho - University of Edinburgh
Temporary Rivers: Management Tools for Climate Change Adaptation
Paolo Vezza - Politecnico di Torino
Geeks, Robots, and Grand Challenges: Prototyping collective identity within an emerging autonomous vehicle field
Chris Hayter - Arizona State University School of Public Affairs
Workshop on PhD supervision
Melanie Walker - University of the Free State
Ciencia y literatura ¿dos culturas o productos de una misma cultura? Una mirada histórica
María Luz López Terrada - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Managerial academia: Understanding the organizational factors shaping researchers' motivations to engage with industry
Ana María Gómez-Aguayo - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
A simple theory of economic development at the extensive industry margin
Dario Diodato - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Crowds and machines: AI as a manager in large-scale science and innovation projects
Henry Sauermann - ESMT Berlin
The ambiguous role of science and technology in Marvel superhero comics: From their ‘Golden Age’ to the present-day
Alessandro Muscio - University of Foggia
Who can ‘Test. Test. Test.’? Boundary work around the scaling up of diagnostic testing in Spain and the UK during the covid-19 pandemic
David Barberá-Tomás - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Human-centred AI Security, Ethics and Privacy
José M. Such - King’s College London
Understanding knowledge production in the twenty-first century
Jinhyuk Yun - School of AI Convergence, Soongsil University
Arte, ciencia, tecnología, una escisión imposible. La transdisciplinariedad como motor para la innovación del conocimiento
Raquel Caerols Mateo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid