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Chiara Marzocchi;David Charles;Fumi Kitagawa;Federica Rossi;Pablo D’Este;Abhijit Sengupta


Universities interactions with industry and the broader society have gained prominence in the academic and policy discourse, and knowledge exchange (KE) activities of universities are increasingly supported via dedicated government funding, investment in infrastructure and incentives for academics and HEIs.This expanding KE agenda in policy and academia and recent announcements such as the introduction of the Knowledge Exchange Framework in the UK calls for a renewed discussion about what constitutes KE, what are adequate metrics to capture its performance, how are these translated into incentives (financial or otherwise), and how measurement and performance frameworks may support or hinder these activities. Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts, and therefore a narrow focus on output indicators related to commercialisation should be avoided. This panel aims to assess the relevance of existing practices in the collection of data and in the measurement of KE, and contribute to the development of approaches to measure, assess and promote KE that more accurately reflect the broad nature of the knowledge produced, nurtured and absorbed by HEIs. The panelwill address three broad areas related to KE practices and the associated questions and reflections arising from past experiences and challenges for future metric design and implementation.

Fecha -
Nom i edició de la conferència XVI Triple Helix Conference 2018
Localització Manchester
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