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The analysis of social networks has  remained a crucial and yet understudied aspect of the efforts to measure Triple Helix linkages. The Triple Helix model aims toexplain, among other aspects of knowledge-based societies, “the current research system in its social context” (Etzkowitz & Leydes dorff, 2000:109). This paper develops a novel approach to study the re search system from the perspectiv e of the individual, through the analysis of the relationships among resear chers, and between them and other social actors. We develop a new set of techniques  and show how they can be applied to the study of a specific case (a group of academic s within a university department). We analyse their  informal  social networks and show how a relationship exists between the characteristics of an individual’s network of  social links and his or her research output.

Any de publicació 2011
Referència 2011-11
Paraules clau científiques embeddedness, academic network, research output