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Traditional missions of the university (teaching and research) are complicated by the growth of “third mission” activity (knowledge exchange and engagement). However, despite globalisation of science & technology, universities are still largely national institutions– especially in terms of regulations, funding and (under-graduate) student populations. This means that third mission activity tends to be heavily focused on national and regional priorities, a situation which is further enhanced by the introduction of smart specialisation policies. This presentation will reflect on the tensions between engaging with international partners and experts, and addressing national/regional needs. It will also discuss which types of University are better suited for the latter.

Acerca de Kevin Morgan

Kevin Morgan is Professor of Governance and Development at Cardiff University and Dean of Engagement for the same University. Kevin is also special advisor to the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu.

His research interests revolve around four core themes:

  1. Innovation / Spatial Development
  2. Food / Sustainability
  3. Devolution / Governance/ Territorial Politics
  4. Regeneration / Social Enterprise / Mutualism / Co-operation

Research Experience
Kevin Morgan´s research has been supported by nine awards from the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) as well as by research grants from a range of other funding bodies, including: the British Academy; European Commission; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/World Food Programme; Joseph Rowntree Foundation; OECD; Plunkett Foundation, and through government and regional development agencies in and beyond the UK.
Between 2013-2016 Kevin was the Principal Investigator of a consortium of ten EU universities and two regional networks that won the FP7 award for Smart Specialisation, the EU's regional innovation policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.
Their most recent ESRC award (Delivering Sustainability: The Creative Procurement of School Food in Italy, the UK and the US) was rated "outstanding" and in 2013 it won the first ever ESRC award for outstanding impact on public policy in the UK.

Public Engagement

  • Special Advisor to the EU Commissioner for Regional and Urban Policy (Corina Cretu) (2015-)
  • Member of the Scientific Development Council (with 10 other members) tasked by the Greek Economy and Development Minister with devising a new growth strategy for the country
  • Advisor to the Board of the Cardiff Capital Region (2013 -)
  • Advisor to the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport, Welsh Government (2012-)
  • Member of the European Commission's Advisory Group on Smart Specialisation (2011-)
  • Member of the UK Food Ethics Council (2008-2014)
  • Chair of the Bristol Food Policy Council (2011-2015)

Kevin Morgan

Universidad de Cardiff



Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Edificio 8E, Acceso J, Planta 4ª (Sala Escoge. Cubo Rojo)
Universitat Politècnica de València | Camino de Vera s/n