Research Group Meetings
INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) regularly organises the ‘Research Group Meetings’, a space that serves as a forum to encourage communication and exchanges regarding the research we are developing in the Institute, as well as the projects and activities in which INGENIO researchers participate at the international, national and local level. External research seminars are also integrated into this space and will provide senior and early-stage researchers from other institutions with the opportunity to present and discuss their work with the audience. All sessions will be hosted in a hybrid format, both physically in a seminar room and MS Teams. External seminars are open to anyone without the need to register (see calendar).
Organizing committee: Adrián A. Díaz-Faes & François Perruchas.
Forthcoming Research Group Meetings
Previous Research Group Meetings
Local Ecosystem Services and Cooperation as Economic Development Drivers for Inner Areas: Research Insights on Casentino and Valtiberina Valleys
Leonardo Rosini - Università degli Studi di Firenze
De las palabras a los hechos: clima ético y comportamiento responsable en las organizaciones
Dr. José-Félix Lozano - Ingenio (CSIC-Universitat Politècnica de València)
Dolores y desórdenes menstruales en España: Experiencias en la búsqueda de atención médica
Sara Sánchez López - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Scientific impact: Blessing or curse? Researchers’ happiness and work-life balance
Joaquín María Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Reimagining Urban Futures: Insights from Ukrainian Recovery Research
Oksana Udovyk - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Arte, comunicación científica e impacto de la investigación
Joaquín Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSCI-UPV)
How do cooperation and scientific research influence drug development? The case of cancer disease
Workshop on PhD supervision
Melanie Walker - University of the Free State
Ciencia y literatura ¿dos culturas o productos de una misma cultura? Una mirada histórica
María Luz López Terrada - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Managerial academia: Understanding the organizational factors shaping researchers' motivations to engage with industry
Ana María Gómez-Aguayo - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Who can ‘Test. Test. Test.’? Boundary work around the scaling up of diagnostic testing in Spain and the UK during the covid-19 pandemic
David Barberá-Tomás - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Soberanía alimentaria y Cambio climático: una lectura desde los informes del IPCC
Marta Guadalupe Rivera Ferre - INGENIO [CSIC-UPV]