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Regional institutional settings significantly influence the pace and scope of sustainability transitions. However, the complex institutional dynamics underpinning 'Regional Transition Paths to Sustainability' (RTPS) are not well understood. In this seminar we will elaborate how a focus on organizational change can help to make visible hidden institutional dynamics in RTPS. Starting from this, we will introduce the method of 'Transition Topology' and illustrate its application possibilities and potentials using different empirical examples.

This seminar is both presential and on Microsoft Teams: click here to join the online meeting.

Simone Strambach y Gesa Pflitsch

University of Marburg



Sala Descubre
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Edificio 8E, Acceso J, Planta 3ª (Salón de Actos. Cubo Rojo)
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia | Camino de Vera s/n