My research is devoted to understanding the sources and the effects of innovation. In particular, I study how economic, organizational and institutional processes stimulate or thwart new ways of doing things. Grounded in the multidisciplinary area of innovation studies, my research explores processes of knowledge generation and diffusion; the dynamics of scientific networks; the evolution of consumer preferences; structural change in industries and sectors; the skill content of occupations; and the reconfiguration of employment structures in industries and geographical areas. This work encompasses various empirical domains.
My current work analyses how human capital is organized within industries and how its configuration differs across industries. I am interested in understanding the ways in which this heterogeneity affects productivity, innovation capacity and the evolution of industries. I am also keen to investigate the adjustments in education and training that are necessary to keep up with changing demand for skills. Empirical studies in this remit are on the US, Finland and Spain.
Another area of empirical inquiry in which I am quite active is the emergent green economy. Current work studies the nature of green skills, of green jobs and the structure of green employment. I am also interested in the effects of environmental policy on occupations, industries and geographical areas.
I am also interested in Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sectors, their functional heterogeneity and the evolution of their knowledge bases. Published work in this area covers all KIBS as well as sector specific case studies such as Scientific R&D and Design.
My prior work focused on the nature and the dynamics of medical innovation, in particular: the pathways through which scientific know-how emerges; the nature of collaboration networks; the links between network structures and the generation of basic knowledge; the implications of changing organizational configurations for both basic research and for clinical practice; and the role of practical know-how in the face of persistent uncertainty about the nature of disease.
I prefer to take on just one new supervisory role per year, so that I can devote enough time and attention to either graduate students or to postdoctoral fellows. I am happy to supervise and mentor research on innovation in relation to any of the following themes:
- Skill formation, diffusion and transformation;
- Long-term analysis of labour markets;
- Geography of labour;
- Evolution of education and training systems;
- Changes in the nature and content of occupations;
- Inequality;
- Environmental Sustainability;
- Knowledge Intensive Service Activities;
- Dynamics of communities of practices and knowledge networks;
Having said that, I am open to provide supervision and mentoring on other topics, so you're welcome to contact me directly with an idea or a proposal!
- Dynamics and policy of biomedical science and innovation
- Group of Research on Energy and Environmental innovation (GreeIN)
Full list of published articles and work in progress in RePEc and here
Environmental Regulation and Green Skills: An Empirical Exploration
Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli, David Popp, 2018. In: Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Measures, Drivers and Effects of Green Employment: Evidence from US Local Labor Markets, 2006-2014
Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli, 2018. In: Journal of Economic Geography.
Multi level policy mixes and industry emergence: The case of wind energy in Spain
Cristian Matti, Davide Consoli, Elvira Uyarra, 2017. In: Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.
Report: Biomaterials Stakeholders and Research in Europe
Davide Consoli, Pablo D’Este, François Perruchas, 2017. In: .
Do green jobs differ from non-green jobs in terms of skills and human capital?
Consoli, D., Marin, G., Marzucchi, A., Vona, F., 2016. In: Research Policy .
Knowledge flows, the influence of national R&D structure and the moderating role of public–private cooperation
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Davide Consoli, 2016. In: The Journal of Technology Transfer.
Medical Innovation: Science, Technology and Practice
Consoli, D., Mina, A., Nelson, R., Ramlogan, R., 2016. In: .
Regional human capital and university orientation: A case study on Spain
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Davide Consoli, 2016. In: Science and Public Policy.
That was then, this is now: Skills and Routinization in the 2000s
Davide Consoli, Francesco Vona, Francesco Rentocchini, 2016. In: Industrial and Corporate Change.
A taxonomy of multi-industry labour force skills
Consoli, D. and Rentocchini, F., 2015. In: Research Policy.
Employment and skill configurations in KIBS sectors: a longitudinal analysis
Consoli, D., Elche, D., Rullani, F., 2015. In: .
Green Skills
Vona, F., Marin, G., Consoli, D. and Popp, D., 2015. In: NBER Working Paper Series.
Innovation and skill dynamics: a life-cycle approach
Vona, F., Consoli, D., 2015. In: Industrial and Corporate Change.
The emergence of Wind Energy in Spain: a review of the policy mix
Matti, C., Consoli, D., 2015. In: .
An analysis of the knowledge base of scientific research and development business services
Consoli, D., Elche, D., 2014. In: R&D Management.
Dynamics of Collaborative Research Medicine: the case of glaucoma
Ramlogan, R.; Consoli, D., 2014. In: Journal of Technology Transfer.
Evolucion de las habilidades y la estructura ocupacional: un estudio del sector de I+D
Elche, D., Consoli, D., 2014. In: Economia Industrial.
Innovation: Myths and Prospects (book review)
Consoli, D., 2014. In: Science.
Knowledge systematisation, reconfiguration and the organisation of firms and industry: The case of design
D´Ippolito, B., Miozzo, M. and Consoli, D., 2014. In: Research Policy.
Where did they go? A study on newly established universities and graduate mobility in Finland
Saarivirta, T. and Consoli, D., 2014. In: .
Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M., Consoli, D.
EU-SPRI 2014. Science and innovation policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice
Consoli, D., Marin, G., Marzucchi, A. and Vona, F.
EU-SPRI 2014. Science and innovation policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice
Consoli, D., Vona, F., Rentocchini, F.
Changing tasks - Consequences for inequality Workshop
Azagra-Caro, Joaquín M.; Consoli, Davide
T2S 2013 Conference on Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness
C. Matti, D. Consoli
Regional Innovation Pol icy Dynamics: Actors, Agency and Learning
Azagra-Caro, Joaquín M.; Consoli, Davide
5th Workshop: The Output of R&D activities: Harnessing the Power of Patents Data
Azagra-Caro, Joaquín M.; Consoli ., Davide
14th ISSI Conference 2013
Consoli, D.; Rentocchini, F.
R&D Management Conference 2013
D'Ippolito, B.; Miozzo, M.; Consoli, D.
35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013. Innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship
Consoli, D.; Elche, D.
35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013. Innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship
Consoli, D.; Rentocchini, F.
35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013. Innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship
D. Consoli, F. Rentocchini, F. Vona
EMAEE 2013: 8th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics
Consoli, D.; Rentocchini, F.
EU-SPRI Forum - Management of Innovation Policies
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro; Davide Consoli
2013 Conference of the Eu-SPRI Forum: Management of Innovation Policies
Consoli, D.; Rentocchini, F.
The Governance of a Complex World
D'Ippolito, B, Miozzo, M. and Consoli, D.
D'Ippolito, B, Miozzo, M. and Consoli, D.
European Association of Evolutionary Political Economics (EAEPE)
D'Ippolito, B, Miozzo, M. and Consoli, D.
British Academy of Management
XXI Congreso Nacional ACEDE
Gelijns, A., Moskowitz, A., Buterbaugh, K., Perl, M., Egorova, N., Ascheim, D. and Consoli, D.
Annual Institute of Medicine Meeting