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Current position. Elena is Tenured Scientist at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), working at INGENIO, a joint Institute of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, since 2004.

Training. Elena Castro-Martínez has a Degree in Chemistry from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and was awarded a PhD degree in Industrial Chemistry in 1983.  Moreover, she has taken part in three postgraduate programmes: Research Management in Public Administration (National Institute of Public Administration. Madrid, 1987); Business Management (EOI, Madrid, 1982); Environmental Engineering (EOI. Madrid, 1981).

Work experience. Between 1988 and 1993 she was Advisor to the Secretary General, and Deputy Director of the Technology Transfer Office, at the General Secretariat for the National R&D Plan (CICYT) (Research and Technology Interministerial Commission). She was responsible for starting-up the Technology Transfer Offices Network (OTRI network) of Spanish universities and public research centres bodies and for managing the science-industry cooperation programmes launched under National R&D Plan. In 1993-94 she was advisor to the Secretary of State of Universities and Research (Ministry of Education and Science), working on research and technology indicators and R&D budgets. In 1995 she was advisor to the Secretary General for the National R&D Plan, working on the definition of the 3rd R&D National Plan (1996-1999), and was a member of the Committee responsible for designing a programme to promote the cooperation between universities and enterprises (PACTI). She has also been in charge of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Technology Transfer Office in the Valencian region (1995-2004).

She participates in R&D projects, financed by national, regional and European funds and also in knowledge transfer contracts and consultancy activities with different Spanish and foreign entities and enterprises.

She participates in the “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum). Elena is a member of the Association GENET-Network for Gender Studies. She participates in the COST Action ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities) (2016-2020).

Usually, she teaches master classes and organize courses and seminars on her speciality, not only in Spain but also in Latin American countries.

Profesional experience and advisory roles. She is member of the Scientific and Technological Council of Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT) and Advisor of the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI) (Committee on Science).

Research interests. Regional and Sectoral Systems of Innovation; Science-Society relationships; Research and Innovation policies design, evaluation and management; Innovation in the cultural sector.

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Análisis de los Mecanismos de Transferencia Tecnológica entre los Sectores Científico-tecnológico y Productivo de Argentina
Ana Inés Malizia, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Guillermo Lombera, Elena Castro-Martínez, 2013. In: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation.

El significado de innovar
Castro-Martínez, Elena; Fernández de Lucio, Ignacio, 2013. In: .

Espacio e innovación: los sistemas de innovación como objeto de estudio
Elena Castro-Martínez y Alfredo Yegros-Yegros, 2013. In: Información Estadística y Cartográfica de Andalucía.

Innovation systems in motion: an early music case
Elena Castro-Martínez; Albert Recasens; Fernando Jiménez-Sáez, 2013. In: Management decision.

Motives for international cooperation on R&D and innovation: Empirical evidence from Argentinean and Spanish firms
Edwards-Schachter, M.; Castro-Martínez, E.; Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.; Anlló, G.; Fernández-De-Lucio, I., 2013. In: International Journal of Technology Management.

Ciencia tecnología e innovación para el desarrollo y la cohesión social Programa iberoamericano en la década de los bicentenarios
Albornoz, Mario; Castro-Martínez, Elena, Fernández de Lucio, Ignacio; Gordon, Ariel; Jacovkis, Pablo y Polino, Carmelo, 2012. In: .

Current missions of public universities: A sociological perspective
Palomares-Montero,D.;García-Aracil,A.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2012. In: Arbor.

Knowledge transfer in the social sciences and the humanities: informal links in a public research organization
Castro-Martínez E., Molas-Gallart J., Olmos-Peñuela J., 2012. In: Social Sciences Abroad.

La arqueología comercial en España: ¿un sistema sectorial de innovación?
Parga-Dans, E., Castro-Martínez, E., Fernández de Lucio, I., 2012. In: Cuadernos de Gestión .

La innovación en patrimonio cultural: un espacio de confluencia de diversas bases de conocimiento
Elena Castro Martínez y Román Fernández-Baca Casares, 2012. In: .

Música poética, un caso de innovación en la producción de música histórica
Elena Castro-Martínez y Albert Recasens, 2012. In: .

Ciencia, tecnología y universidad en Iberoamérica
Castro-Martínez,E.;Sutz,J., 2011. In: .

El Sistema de Innovación de España
Cañibano-Sanchez,C.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2011. In: .

Evaluating research efficiency within National R&D Programmes
Jiménez-Sáez,F.;Zabala-Iturriagagoitia,J.;Zofio,J.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2011. In: Research Policy.

Gestión universitaria en el sistema español de educación superior
García-Aracil,A.;Castro-Martínez,E.;Palomares-Montero,D., 2011. In: .

International co-operation between firms on innovation and r&d: empirical evidence from argentina and spain
Mónica Edwards-Schachter, Elena Castro-Martínez, Ignacio Fernández-de-Lucio , 2011. In: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation.

Knowledge transfer in humanities and social sciences research groups: the influence of organizational factors
Olmos-Peñuela J., Castro-Martínez E., Manjarrés-Henríquez L., 2011. In: Social Sciences Abroad.

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