Current position
Reseacher Scientist of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), joint institute of the CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).
Academic Degrees
1995 Graduate in Economics, specialism in Contextual Economics and Public Sector at the University of Valencia.
1998 Diploma of Advance Higher Education Studies at the University of Valencia. Minor Thesis: “Wives labour supply”. Applications of limited dependent variable procedure combining two different but complementary data bases: Spanish Labour Force Survey (“EPA”) and the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey (“EPF”).
2003 Doctor in Economics (European Doctorate) at the University of Valencia. Inter-departmental doctorate of Economic Analysis and Applied Economic. Her thesis “Labour Market Analysis for European Higher Education Graduates”, which was completed in 18 months – analysed the job benefits (monetary and non-monetary) of higher education graduates, and the mismatch among competences and job requirements. This doctoral research used the CHEERS data base.
Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
November 1996 – June 1998. Predoctoral Fellowship at the Valencian Institue of Economic Researchers (“IVIE”). It allowed me to start the doctoral courses at the University of Valencia, and to start an active collaboration with some European experts in the field of Economics of Education.
July 1999 – August 1999. Summer Internship Program, World Bank, Washington, DC., (US). It allowed me to start an active collaboration with international experts in the field of Education and Human Development.
February 2002 – January 2004. Predoctoral Fellowship at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). It allowed me to develop my PhD.
June 2003 – August 2003. Predoctoral Fellowship at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (The Netherlands). It allowed me to expand my knowledge in novel analysis of human capital competences.
July 2008 (15 days). Postdoctoral Fellowship at ROA, Maastricht (The Netherlands). It allowed me to study in depth the evaluation of complex competences among European young higher education graduates.
Research Experience
Private Sphere. November 1996 – June 1999. Initial research position at the “IVIE”. Expertise Area: Higher Education – Human Capital Development and Labour Market Analysis.
International Sphere. July 1999 – December 2001. Internal Consultant at the World Bank, Washington, DC. She worked in the Social Human Development (SHD) – Education Department in the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSHE), and in the Human Development Network (HDN) – Education Department in the Middle East and North of Africa Region (HDNED). Expertise Area: Primary and Secondary Education – Education and Human Development.
Public Sphere. Since 2002 at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). Expertise Area: Innovation Management – Socioeconomic impact of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs); University-Industry linkages; Analysis of Human Capital Competencies – Surpluses and Shortages; Strategic Planning; Assessment of HEIs Performance through Indicators System.
Scientific Publications
Author of 14 articles published in international refereed journal (Higher Education, Journal of HE, Research in Higher Education, Research Policy, Regional Studies, Scientometrics and World Development), 7 articles in international journals, 2 articles in national reviews, 8 book chapters and two monographs.
Over 65 contributions to Proceedings of international conferences, workshops, forums and others, 11 participations as invited lecturer (for more detail see section on early achievement track record).
Google academic profile:
ORCID code: 0000-0002-9745-0563
Teaching and Supervision Activities
Over 8 years of experience at the Advanced School of Business Research and Marketing – ESIC-Valencia as associate professor, giving lectures on Bachelor’s degree courses. Over 2 years of experience at the Technical University of Valencia giving lectures on Master’s courses. Academic activity is related to innovation and technology management, and knowledge transfer in higher education institutions.
During this time I supervised: (i) one PhD, in 2010, working on analysis of the teaching and research trade-offs at Spanish universities; the student was awarded cum laude; (ii) two master dissertations, one in 2007 on the indicators system as a way to assess the performance of higher education institutions, and the other in 2006 on the evolution of Spanish universities’ efficiency over time; (iii) three final undergraduate degree dissertations, one in 2010 focused on the relationship of the university with its socio-economic environment, and two in 2006 focused on the productivity and efficiency analysis of the public research centres.
Evaluación de las instituciones de educación superior: revisión bibliográfica de sistema de indicadores
Palomares-Montero,D.;García-Aracil,A.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2008. In: Revista Española de Documentación Científica.
Industry-University Interactions in a Peripheral European Region: An Empirical Study of Valencian Firms
García-Aracil,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I., 2008. In: Regional Studies.
Com recompensa el mercat laboral europeu les competències dels jovens graduats universitaris?
Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A.;Vila,L., 2007. In: Temps d'Educació.
Expansion and reorganization in the Spanish system
García-Aracil,A., 2007. In: .
Gender Earnings Gap among Young European Higher Education Graduates
García-Aracil,A., 2007. In: Higher Education.
Job satisfaction among young European higher education graduates
Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A.;Vila,L., 2007. In: Higher Education.
The distribution of job satisfaction among young European graduates: does the choice of study field matter?
Vila,L.;García-Aracil,A.;Mora-Ruíz,J., 2007. In: Journal of Higher Education.
The employment situation about four years after graduation
Garcia-Montalvo,J.;Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A., 2007. In: .
The relationship between life goals and fields of study among young European graduates
García-Aracil,A.;Gabaldón-Estevan,D.;Mora-Ruíz,J.;Vila,L., 2007. In: Higher Education.
Analysis of the evaluation process of the research performance: an empirical case
García-Aracil,A.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Pérez-Marín,M., 2006. In: Scientometrics.
Assessing the research performance of excellence research groups in a periphereal country
Pérez-Marín,M.;García-Aracil,A.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A., 2006. In: VEST. Journal for science and technology studies.
Cómo recompensa el mercado laboral europeo las competencias de los jóvenes graduados universitarios
Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A.;Vila,L., 2006. In: .
Gender and ethnicity differentials in school attainment and labor market earnings in Ecuador
García-Aracil,A.;Winter,C., 2006. In: World Development.
Monetary rewards and competences of young european graduates
Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A.;Carot,J.;Vila,L., 2006. In: Higher education management and policy.
Dall´università al mercato del lavoro: modelli di analisi e risultati. Il caso della Spagna
Mora-Ruíz,J.;García-Aracil,A., 2005. In: .
European higher education graduates and job satisfaction
Mora-Ruíz,J.;Vila,L.;García-Aracil,A., 2005. In: European Journal of Education.
Educación y etnicidad en Ecuador
García-Aracil,A., 2004. In: .
The rewards of human capital competences for young european higher education graduates
García-Aracil,A.;Mora-Ruíz,J.;Vila,L., 2004. In: Tertiary education and management.
Industry-university interactions in Valencia, a peripheral european region
García-Aracil,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2003. In: Revista espacios.
La satisfacción en el trabajo: un análisis económico
García-Aracil,A.;Mora-Ruíz,J.;Vila,L., 2003. In: .
IV Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad EFIUCO. 21-22 Mayo 2009
IV Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad EFIUCO. 21-22 Mayo 2009
PRIME International conference, 24-26 septiembre 2008
V Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity. 23-24 Septiembre 2008
PRIME Summer School on "The current challenges of European Higher Education. Trends towards the University of the Future". 15-18 septiembre 2008
1st ISA Forum of Sociology "Sociological Research and Public Debate?. 5-8 septiembre 2008
30th Annual EAIR Forum. Polishing the silver: Are we really improving higher education?. 24-27 Agosto 2008
2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. The Questions We Ask. 8-13 Agosto 2008
V North American Productivity Workshop. 24-27 junio 2008
European Network of Indicators Designers - PRIME. 28-30 Mayo 2008
INTED 2008. International Association of Technology, Education and Development. 3-5 marzo, 2008
15th Annual Workshop, European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY). "Transitions in Youth: 15 years after. Where do we stand? Where do we go?" 5-8 septiembre 2007
29th Annual EAIR Forum - In Search of Identity: Dilemmas in Higher Education. 26-29 agosto 2007
6th bienal internacional Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages. 16-18 mayo 2007
III Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad. 26-27 abril 2007
INTED2007. International Technology, Education and Development Conference. 7-9 marzo 2007
5th International Symposium on DEA. 5-7 January, 2007
I EUROPEAN CONVENTION RUISNET. 25-26 septiembre 2006
I Workshop Eficiencia y Productividad. 21-22 septiembre 2006
28th Annual EAIR Forum ? Who Runs Higher Education in a Competitive World?. 30 agosto-1 septiembre