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Current position
Reseacher Scientist of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), joint institute of the CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).

Academic Degrees
1995 Graduate in Economics, specialism in Contextual Economics and Public Sector at the University of Valencia.
1998 Diploma of Advance Higher Education Studies at the University of Valencia. Minor Thesis: “Wives labour supply”. Applications of limited dependent variable procedure combining two different but complementary data bases: Spanish Labour Force Survey (“EPA”) and the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey (“EPF”).
2003 Doctor in Economics (European Doctorate) at the University of Valencia. Inter-departmental doctorate of Economic Analysis and Applied Economic. Her thesis “Labour Market Analysis for European Higher Education Graduates”, which was completed in 18 months – analysed the job benefits (monetary and non-monetary) of higher education graduates, and the mismatch among competences and job requirements. This doctoral research used the CHEERS data base.

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
November 1996 – June 1998. Predoctoral Fellowship at the Valencian Institue of Economic Researchers (“IVIE”). It allowed me to start the doctoral courses at the University of Valencia, and to start an active collaboration with some European experts in the field of Economics of Education.
July 1999 – August 1999. Summer Internship Program, World Bank, Washington, DC., (US). It allowed me to start an active collaboration with international experts in the field of Education and Human Development.
February 2002 – January 2004. Predoctoral Fellowship at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). It allowed me to develop my PhD.
June 2003 – August 2003. Predoctoral Fellowship at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (The Netherlands). It allowed me to expand my knowledge in novel analysis of human capital competences.
July 2008 (15 days). Postdoctoral Fellowship at ROA, Maastricht (The Netherlands). It allowed me to study in depth the evaluation of complex competences among European young higher education graduates.

Research Experience
Private Sphere. November 1996 – June 1999. Initial research position at the “IVIE”. Expertise Area: Higher Education – Human Capital Development and Labour Market Analysis.
International Sphere. July 1999 – December 2001. Internal Consultant at the World Bank, Washington, DC. She worked in the Social Human Development (SHD) – Education Department in the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSHE), and in the Human Development Network (HDN) – Education Department in the Middle East and North of Africa Region (HDNED). Expertise Area: Primary and Secondary Education – Education and Human Development.
Public Sphere. Since 2002 at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). Expertise Area: Innovation Management – Socioeconomic impact of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs); University-Industry linkages; Analysis of Human Capital Competencies – Surpluses and Shortages; Strategic Planning; Assessment of HEIs Performance through Indicators System.

Scientific Publications
Author of 14 articles published in international refereed journal (Higher Education, Journal of HE, Research in Higher Education, Research Policy, Regional Studies, Scientometrics and World Development), 7 articles in international journals, 2 articles in national reviews, 8 book chapters and two monographs.
Over 65 contributions to Proceedings of international conferences, workshops, forums and others, 11 participations as invited lecturer (for more detail see section on early achievement track record).

Google academic profile:

ORCID code: 0000-0002-9745-0563

Teaching and Supervision Activities
Over 8 years of experience at the Advanced School of Business Research and Marketing – ESIC-Valencia as associate professor, giving lectures on Bachelor’s degree courses. Over 2 years of experience at the Technical University of Valencia giving lectures on Master’s courses. Academic activity is related to innovation and technology management, and knowledge transfer in higher education institutions.
During this time I supervised: (i) one PhD, in 2010, working on analysis of the teaching and research trade-offs at Spanish universities; the student was awarded cum laude; (ii) two master dissertations, one in 2007 on the indicators system as a way to assess the performance of higher education institutions, and the other in 2006 on the evolution of Spanish universities’ efficiency over time; (iii) three final undergraduate degree dissertations, one in 2010 focused on the relationship of the university with its socio-economic environment, and two in 2006 focused on the productivity and efficiency analysis of the public research centres.

La relación entre cultura e innovación: tres ámbitos de análisis
Elena Castro-Martínez; Adela García-Aracil, 2014. In: .

Rankings Universitarios: ¿Hacia una indeseable homogeneización de las universidades?
Ignacio Fernández de Lucio, Adela García-Aracil, 2014. In: .

The Challenges of Higher Education: Improving Graduates’ Employability and Social Cohesion
Adela García-Aracil; Isabel Neira; José Féliz Lozano, 2014. In: Journal of the European Higher Education Area.

Higher Education and Graduates’ Performance Issues
Adela García-Aracil, 2013. In: .

Understanding Productivity Changes in Public Universities: Evidence from Spain
Adela García-Aracil, 2013. In: Research Evaluation .

Agrupación alternativa para la evaluación de las universidades públicas españolas
Adela García-Aracil, Davinia Palomares-Montero , 2012. In: Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies (ISSN: 1578-4460).

Current missions of public universities: A sociological perspective
Palomares-Montero,D.;García-Aracil,A.;Castro-Martínez,E., 2012. In: Arbor.

Indicators for evaluating higher education institutions: Validation through the Delphi method
García-Aracil,A.;Palomares-Montero,D., 2012. In: Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica.

Gestión universitaria en el sistema español de educación superior
García-Aracil,A.;Castro-Martínez,E.;Palomares-Montero,D., 2011. In: .

The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project
Daraio,C.;Castro-Martínez,E.;García-Aracil,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;et al., 2011. In: Research Policy.

An analysis of spanish public universities missions in efficiency terms
García-Aracil,A.;López-Iñesta,E.;Palomares-Montero,D., 2010. In: .

Fuzzy cluster analysis on Spanish public universities
Palomares-Montero,D.;García-Aracil,A., 2010. In: .

Adela García-Aracil, investigadora en Ingenio (CSIC-UPV), y Rosa Isusi Fagoaga, profesora de la Universitat de València, invitadas expertas en el "XII International Scientific-Methodical Conference:…

Seminario "Improving educational programs on the basis of competence approach"
May 29, 2019 an international seminar on the basis of the higher school of the National Institute held "Improving…

Seminar on "Improving educational programs on the basis of competence approach"
May 29, 2019 an international seminar on the basis of the higher school of the National Institute held "Improving…

Dr. Adela García Aracil is invited to the Annual BSRUN Forum of 2017 “Universities as the Bridge Between the East and the West”which will be held on October 19, 2017 in Riga. She will talk about the…

Dra. Adela García Aracil invitada al Annual BSRUN Forum de 2017 “Universities as the Bridge Between the East and the West” que se celebrará el 19 de Octubre de 2017 en Riga (Letonia). Adela hablará…

Acerca de este curso       |     Más información:
El curso que se propone es ideal para investigadores y alumnos que se encuentren cursando trabajos de fin de grado, trabajos de fin de máster…

1st FOSTERC Seminar 2017 | Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education
Date: 30th March 2017
Venue: National Institute for Higher Education, Moskovskaya, 15 Minsk…

The main aim of FOSTERC is to support the modernisation of governance, management and functioning of Belarusian Higher Education Institutions.
For that, FOSTERC will:
Provide indicators for…

About this course        |     More information:

El curso que se propone es ideal para investigadores y alumnos que se encuentren cursando trabajos de fin de grado, trabajos de…

During the first trimester of 2016, the institute INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), a joint research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Technical University of Valencia (UPV),…

Entrevista a Adela García Aracil - Ingenio(CSIC-UPV), en el marco del IV Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria celebrado en Vigo (España)
"La investigación de complementar la docencia en…

La cultura es también productiva en términos económicos, no solo sociales, y aquellos estudiantes que crecen en familias con mayores posesiones culturales obtienen mejores resultados académicos y, en…

No item to display
Universities' strategic management. Are University missions changing due to the knowledge society?
Davinia Palomares-Montero; Adela García-Aracil
European Conference on Educational Research 2012
¿Son las Universidades Españolas Emprendedoras?
Clara Belén Martínez Meca; Adela García-Aracil
XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación
Evaluación de la productividad universitaria en base a sus misiones. El caso español, 1994-2010
Adela García-Aracil; Davinia Palomares-Montero
XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación
Una aproximación cualitativa al sistema universitario español. La planificación estratégica en las universidades
Davinia Palomares-Montero; Adela García-Aracil
XXI Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación
Utilización de indicadores para la evaluación de las universidades públicas españolas: ¿existe consenso?
XX Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación
A proposal methodology for comparing Higher Education institutions
HEIR Conference 2011, 4th Annual UK and Ireland Institutional Research conference. 16-17 Junio 2010
Gestión universitaria en el Sistema Español de Educación Superior
VIII Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES). 31 Mayo-3 Junio 2010
Indicators to evaluate higher education activities
1st Valencian workshop on efficiency and productivity. 7-8 Octubre 2010
To what extent are students satisfied with their higher education studies?
32nd Annual EAIR Forum 2010. Linking society and universities. New missions for universities. 1-4 Septiembre 2010
What are the key indicators for evaluating the activities of universities?
32nd Annual EAIR Forum 2010. Linking society and universities. New missions for universities. 1-4 Septiembre 2010
Fuzzy cluster analysis on Spanish public universities
XIX Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación. 8-9 Julio 2010
Misiones explícitas de las universidades públicas españolas
X Congreso Español de Sociología 1-3 Julio 2010
What are the key indicators for evaluating the activities of universities?
VI North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). 2-5 Junio 2010
Explaining differences in efficiency: An application to Spanish public universities
VI North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW). 2-5 Junio 2010
Satisfaction of University Students in Europe
17th Conference of Europeanists. Council for European Studies (CES). 14-17 Abril 2010
Are university missions complements of substitutes? Evidences from the Spanish case
1st Workshop universities as key factor in the Knowledge Society: What can we do?. 2-3 Diciembre 2009
Indicators for the evaluation of Higher Education Indicators: a bibliographic review
PRIME-ENID Amsterdam Summer School on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, and Knowledge Dynamics Visualisation. 1-4 Septiembre 2009
An analysis of the Spanish public universities missions in efficiency terms
XVIII Jornadas de la Asociación Económica de la Educación. 9-10 Julio 2009
Spanish Public Universities' classification. How productive are they?
XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. 23-26 Junio 2009
Spanish public universities: complementarities among their missions
XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. 23-26 Junio 2009