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Joaquín is a Scientific Researcher in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). His research focuses on scientific knowledge generation, science-industry-society knowledge transfer and exchange, science communication, pubic understanding of science and the psychology of researchers. He publishes in journals such as The Journal of Technology Transfer, Research Evaluation, Research Policy or Scientometrics.

Before INGENIO, Joaquín was associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, researcher at the EC Joint Research Centre and at the Institute of Public Policies (CSIC). He has completed stays abroad in centres like CWTS (Leiden), BETA (Strasbourg), GREThA (Bordeaux) or CINDOC (Madrid).

Joaquín has led several project as principal investigator and collaborated regularly with firms, foundations and public administrations. He has led a contract for the European Commission (Identification of H2020 potential partners for two Portuguese regions in Manufacturing and Circular Economy) and contributed to numerous reports. He has organised international events like the 2018 Technology Transfer Society Conference and some special sessions in other conferences. He has written seven articles in magazines or blogs (e.g. Research Europe, University-Industry Innovation Magazine, Nada es gratis o El País), and has been interviewed and imparted seminars for non-academic audiences

Joaquín has supervised several PhD students, research introductory grantees and research stay visiting trainees. He has taught for PhD programmes, training seminars and workshops. He has also been involved in the support to university spin-offs at the UPV.

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Not searching, but finding: how innovation shapes perceptions about universities and public research organisations
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Rafael Pardo, Ruth Rama, 2014. In: The Journal of Technology Transfer.

Academic Inventors, Scientific Impact and the Institutionalisation of Pasteur's Quadrant in Spain
Catalina Martínez, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Stéphane Maraut, 2013. In: Industry and Innovation.

Delocalization Patterns in University-Industry Interaction: Evidence from the Sixth R&D Framework Programme
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Dimitrios Pontikakis, Attila Varga, 2013. In: European Planning Studies.

La utilización empresarial de los resultados de investigación de las universidades en las regiones de la Unión Europea
Manuel Acosta, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Daniel Coronado, 2013. In: Presupuesto y Gasto Público.

Forget R&D – Pay My Coach: Young Innovative Companies and Their Relations with Universities
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Francisco Mas-Verdú, Victor Martinez-Gomez, 2012. In: .

Smoothing the Lies:The Distinctive Effects of Patent Characteristics on Examiner and Applicant Citations
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Mattson,P.;Perruchas,F., 2011. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

Absorptive capacity and the delocalisation of university-industry interaction
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Pontikakis,D.;Varga,A., 2010. In: ORKESTRA Working Paper Series in Territorial Competitiveness.
Handle: RePEc:ivc:wpaper:2010r01

Recognising the value of business patents with university inventors
Azagra-Caro,J.M., 2009. In: JCR Scientific and Technical Reports.

University-industry cooperation in the Research Framework Programme
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Carat,G.;Pontikakis,D., 2009. In: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports.

What do patent examiner inserted citations indicate for regions with low absorptive capacity
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Perruchas,F.;Mattson,P., 2009. In: Scientometrics.

Interactive vs. non-interactive knowledge production by faculty members
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Aznar-Márquez,J.;Blanco,J., 2008. In: Applied Economics.

In which regions do universities patent and publish more?
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Archontakis,F.;Yegros-Yegros,A., 2007. In: Scientometrics.

The origin of public research organisation patents: an economic approach
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Plaza-Gómez,L.;Romero-de-Pablos,A., 2007. In: Research Evaluation.

The regional dimension of university-industry interaction
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, 2007. In: .

University-industry interaction: support to cooperation versus actual cooperation in peripheral...
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Archontakis,F.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I., 2007. In: .

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Indicators and determinants of national patent ownership by public research organisations and universities
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro
European Seminar EuroLIO - Geography of Innovation
Delocalisation patterns in university-industry interaction: evidence from the 6th r&d framework programme
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Dimitrios Pontikakis, Attila Varga
European Seminar EuroLIO - Geography of Innovation
Forget R&D – pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Francisco Mas-Verdú, Victor Martinez-Gomez
Taller de Estrategia Empresarial ACEDE
Forget R&D pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities
Not searching, but finding: Innovation as a non-linear source of the private use of public knowledge
Forget R&D pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities
Technology Transfer Conference
Not searching, but finding: Innovation as a non-linear source of the private use of public knowledge
Conference on 'Innovation Systems and the New role of Universities' (COSINUS)
Forget R&D ? pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities
Conference on 'Innovation Systems and the New role of Universities' (COSINUS),
Forget R&D pay my coach: young innovative companies and their relations with universities
Conference on 'Innovation Systems and the New role of Universities' (COSINUS)
Absorptive capacity and the delocalisation of university-industry interaction
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Dimitrios Pontikakis, Attila Varga
Triple Helix VIII International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages
Access to the public knowledge base of universities: Who’s more nationalist?
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro
Triple Helix VIII International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages
Do public research organisations own most patents invented by their staff?
BETA Conference on "The economic analysis of knowledge production in academia". 2 Julio 2010
Universities and effective knowledge sharing: territorial clustering vs. diversification
Workshop on the output of R&D activities: Harnessing the power of patents data. 27-28 Mayo 2010
Absorptive capacity and the delocalisation of university-industry interaction
BRICK-DIME-STRIKE Workshop on the Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research. 23-24 Abril 2010
El cuestionable uso de las citas de patentes como indicador de flujos de conocimiento en regiones con baja capacidad de absorción
XII Seminario Latino Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica ALTEC 2007. 26-28 septiembre 2007
What do Examiner Patent Citations Indicate in Regions With Low Absorptive Capacity?
Patent & Innovation, Econometrics Studies. 28-29 junio 2007
Internationalisation of patents by Public Research Organisations from a historical and an economic perspective
11th ISSI Conference. 25-27 junio 2007
Las patentes de centros públicos de investigación como indicadores de producción científica y transferencia potencial de conocimiento. Simposio: Las patentes como indicadores? ¿de qué?
Fifth Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. 29 noviembre- 1 diciembre 2006