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Joaquín is a Scientific Researcher in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). His research focuses on scientific knowledge generation, science-industry-society knowledge transfer and exchange, science communication, pubic understanding of science and the psychology of researchers. He publishes in journals such as The Journal of Technology Transfer, Research Evaluation, Research Policy or Scientometrics.

Before INGENIO, Joaquín was associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, researcher at the EC Joint Research Centre and at the Institute of Public Policies (CSIC). He has completed stays abroad in centres like CWTS (Leiden), BETA (Strasbourg), GREThA (Bordeaux) or CINDOC (Madrid).

Joaquín has led several project as principal investigator and collaborated regularly with firms, foundations and public administrations. He has led a contract for the European Commission (Identification of H2020 potential partners for two Portuguese regions in Manufacturing and Circular Economy) and contributed to numerous reports. He has organised international events like the 2018 Technology Transfer Society Conference and some special sessions in other conferences. He has written seven articles in magazines or blogs (e.g. Research Europe, University-Industry Innovation Magazine, Nada es gratis o El País), and has been interviewed and imparted seminars for non-academic audiences

Joaquín has supervised several PhD students, research introductory grantees and research stay visiting trainees. He has taught for PhD programmes, training seminars and workshops. He has also been involved in the support to university spin-offs at the UPV.

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El equilibrio entre actividades interactivas y no interactivas de los profesores universitarios
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Aznar-Márquez,J.;Blanco,J., 2006. In: Revista de Ciências da Administração.

Faculty support for the objectives of university-industry relations versus degree of R&D cooperation: the importance of regional absorptive capacity
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Archontakis,F.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I., 2006. In: Research Policy.

Patent Production at a European Research University: Exploratory Evidence at the Laboratory Level
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Carayol,N.;Llerena,P., 2006. In: Journal of Technology Transfer.

What do university patent routes indicate at regional level?
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Yegros-Yegros,A.;Archontakis,F., 2006. In: Scientometrics.

University patents: output and input indicators... of what?
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A., 2003. In: Research evaluation.

Análisis de las actividades de investigación y desarrollo y de cooperación entre las comunidades académica y empresarial de la Comunidad Valenciana
García-Aracil,A.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Azagra-Caro,J.M., 2002. In: Revista valenciana d'estudis autonòmics.

Articulació i capacitat d´absorció del sistema valencià d´innovació
Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Jiménez-Sáez,F., 2001. In: .

Encuesta sobre la comuidad académica de la Comunidad Valenciana y las relaciones universidad empresa
Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Izquierdo-Faubel,L., 2001. In: .

Sistemas regionales de innovación
Ignacio Fernández de Lucio, Antonio Gutiérrez Gracia, Joaquín Mª Azagra Caro, Fernando Jiménez Sáez, 2001. In: .

Documentos para el debate sobre el sistema valenciano de innovación
Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Jiménez-Sáez,F.;Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A., 2000. In: .

El sistema valenciano de innovación en el inicio del Siglo XXI
Fernández-de-Lucio,I.;Gutiérrez-Gracia,A.;Azagra-Caro,J.M.;Jiménez-Sáez,F., 2000. In: Revista valenciana d'estudis autonòmics.

Una primera aproximación de la contribución del programa nacional de tecnología de alimentos a la articulación del sistema alimentario español
Ignacio Fernández de Lucio, Fernando Jiménez Sáez, Joaquín Mª Azagra Caro, Elena Castro Martínez y Antonio Gutiérrez Gracia, 1999. In: Revista Valenciana d'Estudis Autonòmics.

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Patenting at public research organisations: a multidisciplinary approach
ExTra/DIME 2nd Workshop. 29-30 septiembre 2006
In which regions do universities patent and publish more?
X International Congress on Project Engineering = X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos : 13-15 septiembre 2006
The effect of collaborative research on scientific output in the ICT sector in Spain: a regional and institutional perspective
The 9th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 7-9 septiembre 2006
The origin of public research organisation patents: an economic approach
The 9th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 7-9 septiembre 2006
El equilibrio entre actividades interactivas y no interactivas de los profesores universitarios
ALTEC 2005, XI Seminario Latino Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica. 25-28 Octubre 2005
The allocation of effort to university- industry interactive activities by faculty members: a theoretical and empirical approach
R & D Management Conference. 6-8 Julio 2005
The regional dimension of university-industry interaction
Knowledge and regional economic development OPEN Conference 2005. 9-11 Junio 2005
Is regional catching-up a motivation for university patenting?
5th Triple Helix Conference. 18-21 Mayo 2005
What do university patent routes indicate at regional level?
8th Science and Technology Indicators Conference
University-Industry Interaction: support to cooperation versus actual cooperation in peripheral regions
ALTEC2003, X Seminario Latino Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica
University-industry interaction: support to its objectives and response to policy initiatives
DRUID Summer 2003 Conference
Contractual funds and university patents: from analysis to a case study
DRUID Summer 2003 Conference
University patents: output and input indicators... of what?
7th Science and Technology Indicators Conference
Does university patents reduce the quality of academic research? Microeconomic evidence from the Polytechnic University of Valencia
R&D Management Conference 2002
Determining Factors of Univeristy Patentes: The Case of the Polytechnic University of Valencia
78th International Conference AEA: Innovations and Intellectual Property
Factores determinantes de la generación de patentes universitarias: el caso de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
ALTEC 2001, IX Seminario Latinoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica
Una primera aproximación de la contribución del programa nacional de Tecnología de Alimentos a la articulación del Sistema Alimentario español
VIII Seminario Latino-Iberoamericano de Gestión Tecnológica ALTEC'99. 27-29 octubre, 1999