In this paper Eiríkur Smári will attempt to use theories from virtue epistemology, in particular Miranda Fricker's theories of epistemic justice, to explore the concept of social (or societal) impact as it applies to the humanities. Shifting the focus from knowledge that is created and transferred to society to capacities that are developed in individuals and societies could and should have significant effects on how we approach the question of impact in the humanities (and beyond the humanities).
About Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson
Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson is a research specialist at the Centre for Research in the Humanities and the director of research at the School of Humanities, University of Iceland. He has a PhD in classical philosophy from the University of Cambridge focusing on Aristotle's theory and practice of science. He has held positions at the Icelandic Centre for Research and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture but has been at the University of Iceland since 2010. He is a member of the ENRESSH where he is working on the social impact and relevance of the humanities.
Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson
University of Iceland
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Edificio 8E, Acceso J, Planta 4ª (Sala Descubre. Cubo Rojo)
Universitat Politècnica de València | Camino de Vera s/n