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Traditional editorial houses are nowadays confronted to the emergence of online diffusion of e-books. This phenomenon forces publishing houses to make their catalogue of printed books available also in a digital version. Nonetheless, not all the publishers are on the way for publishing in digital formats. More specifically, in recent years many small digital editorial houses (i.e. selling only e-books) are appearing on the market, but most of the traditional book publishers seem to be reluctant to make available their complete catalogue in digital formats. Given this troubled context, this article is focused on the analysis of the catalogue of printed books and the catalogue of e-books of 104 editorial houses thanks to the use of Electre databank. The most diffused book categories with the total number of books available in printed and digital formats have been identified for every editorial house analyzed. Our main objective aims at testing the hypothesis that the publishers embody various digital strategies according to their different characteristics. The aim of this article is to test the influence of the e-book format on different book categories through an analysis of the publishers’ strategy. Actually, the expected results should reflect the divergent orientation towards the appropriation of e-book technologies. The results are useful for deeply characterizing the strategies and business models of editorial houses in the digital age as well as for enlightening the effective influence of the digital book on the printed book categories.

About Elisa Salvador

Salvador Elisa holds an international PhD in Institutions, Economics & Law from the University of Turin (Italy). She has worked for the Italian National Research Council (CNR) on several projects focused on innovation policies. She won the CNR award ‘Promotion of Research 2005’ for her project “The financing of research spin-offs: an analysis of the Italian case”. She has recently collaborated with the Polytechnic of Turin and with the ESCP-Europe Business School and she has been adjunct Professor at Iéseg School of Management, Economics and International Business Economics tracks (2014-2016). She is currently assistant professor at ESSCA School of Management, Management and Corporate Environment Department, and associate researcher at Ecole polytechnique, Management Research Center.

Elisa Salvador

ESSCA Management School



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Edificio 8E, Acceso J, Planta 4ª (Sala Descubre. Cubo Rojo)
Universitat Politècnica de València | Camino de Vera s/n