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Assessing gender and climate objectives interactions in urban decarbonisation policies
I. Aparisi-Cerdá, D. Ribó-Pérez, J. Gomar-Pascual, J. Pineda-Soler, R. Poveda-Bautista, M. García-Melón, 2024. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
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Spanish menstrual literacy and experiences of menstruation
Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López, 2023. In: BMC Women’s Health.

Spanish menstrual literacy and experiences of menstruation
Sara Sánchez López, Dani Jennifer Barrington, Rocio Poveda Bautista, Santiago Moll López, 2023. In: BMC Women’s Health.

Engaging Stakeholders in Extraction Problems of the Chilean Mining Industry through a Combined Social Network Analysis-Analytic Network Process Approach
Rocio Poveda-Bautista, Hannia Gonzalez-Urango, Edison Ramírez-Olivares, Jose-Antonio Diego-Mas, 2022. In: Complexity.

Analysis of the Visual Perception of the Competences of Project Managers
Rocio Poveda-Bautista; Jose-Antonio Diego-Mas; Jorge Alcaide-Marzal, 2021. In: Sustainability.

AsAsessment of Irrigation Water Use Efficiency in CitrusOrchards Using AHP
Rocío Poveda-Bautista, Bernat Roig-Merino, Herminia Puerto, Juan Buitrago-Vera, 2021. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Closing the gender gap at academic conferences: A tool for monitoring and assessing academic events
Corona-Sobrino Carmen, García-Melón Mónica, Poveda-Bautista Rocío, González-Urango Hannia, 2020. In: Plos One.

User-interfaces layout optimization using eye-tracking, mouse movements and genetic algorithms
Jose Antonio Diego-Mas, Diana Garzon-Leal, Rocio Poveda-Bautista, Jorge Alcaide-Marzal, 2019. In: Applied Ergonomics.

An in-depth analysis of a TTO's objectives alignment within the university strategy: An ANP-based approach
Pablo Aragonés-Beltrán, Rocío Poveda-Bautista, FernandoJiménez-Sáez, 2017. In: Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.

Errors Using Observational Methods for Ergonomics Assessment in Real Practice
Jose Antonio Diego-Mas, Jorge Alcaide Marzal, Rocío Poveda Bautista, Rocio, 2017. In: Human Factors The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Using RGB-D sensors and evolutionary algorithms for the optimization of workstation layouts
Jose Antonio Diego-Mas, Rocio Poveda-Bautista, Diana Garzon-Leal, 2017. In: Applied Ergonomics.

Designing the appearance of environmentally sustainable products
Diego-Más J.A.; Poveda-Bautista, R.; Alcaide-Marzal, J., 2016. In: Journal of Cleaner Production.

Using the relative alignment index for the selection of portfolio projects application to a public Venezuelan Power Corporation
García-Melón, M., Poveda-Bautista, R., Del Valle, J.,, 2015. In: International Journal of Production Economics.

Competitiveness measurement system in the advertising sector.
Poveda-Bautista, R., García-Melón, M., & Baptista, D. C. , 2013. In: SpringerPlus.

Setting competitiveness indicators using BSC and ANP.
Poveda-Bautista, R., Baptista, D. C., & García-Melón, M, 2012. In: International Journal of Production Research.

Aumentar la visibilidad de las mujeres en la ciencia es el principal objetivo de INVISIBLES, un grupo de trabajo integrado por investigadoras de INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), personal de la Universitat…

El equipo que integra el proyecto MAGGIE (MONITORING AND ASSESSING GENDER GAP IN EVENTS), formado por Rocío Poveda, Mónica García, Carmen Corona y Hannia González, ha organizado un debate titulado: "…

Uno de los pilares fundamentales de INGENIO (CIS-UPV) es la creación de espacios inclusivos para el diálogo y las oportunidades, así como el fomento de las prácticas inclusivas y cooperativas en la…

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"SNAPSHOT" tool for the assessment of complexity in Project Management of Information Technology and Software
Poveda Bautista, Rocio; Diego-Mas, Jose Antonio; Diego A. León Medina
International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (AEIPRO)