Research and innovation policies face serious challenges regarding the new ways of generating and applying knowledge, the incorporation of diverse actors and stakeholders into research and innovation activities, and the need to align scientific activities and outcomes with societal needs. INGENIO contributes to the development of new concepts and analytical approaches to the design, implementation and assessment of research and innovation policies.
INGENIO will hold the OSIRIS partners meeting which is going to be in Valencia between 21th and 25th of March. This meeting will gather 23 attendees.
The Oslo Institute for Research on the Impact of Science (OSIRIS) is an international research centre that brings together different disciplines relevant for understanding research impact. OSIRI'S perspective is to look at the process of research impact primarily from the user side: How can we characterise the process through which research makes an impact in society?
Pedro Marques, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, has contributed in a report about regional development in Piedmont (Italy), published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s deputy director, will give a lecture about: "Navigating uncertainty with epistemic justice – reflections for higher education institutions". This event, hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, will be next Thursday, at 18:00 pm (CEST).
Carolina Cañibano, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s researcher, will join the European Regional Meeting of the Global Research Council, which is hosted by the Spanish National Research Council between 21st and 22nd of October 2021 in Madrid.
Marta Maicas Pérez, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s PhD student is doing a Research visit at Gender Studies Department in Tampere University, in Finland. Yesterday she presented the theoretical chapter of her thesis project at the first hybrid Gender Studies seminar celebrated by the group. Johanna Kantola, Professor of Gender Studies at Tampere University, is hosting this research visit.
Alejandra Boni, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s deputy director, will lead a public lecture on Transforming socio-technical systems through evaluation and present her latest work on the evaluation of transformative innovation policies to kickstart the Colloquium on Transformative Innovation Policy: Perspectives from South Africa, organized by the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC). The event will be via Zoom on Wednesday 13th at 16:00.
The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) is organizing the 2022 TIP Conference, which is going to be held digitally from 17-21 January 2022. The "Call for Participation and Initiatives" is now open from 18 June 2021 to 20 August 2021. If you want to apply, please send an Expression of Interest (EoI) that does not exceed 1000 words.
Jordi Molas, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)'s director, will be a keynote speaker this afternoon in the opening day of the European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum 2020. His conference is entitled: "Evaluating Transformative Innovation Policies: implications and challenges".
This year's edition of the EEEN 2020 Forum will focus on the development of environmental evaluation approaches, the role of evaluation in Agenda 2020 and 2030 or the risk assessment as a tool for advancing sustainability in environmental evaluation, among others.
Alejandra Boni, Deputy Director of INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), has been named fellow of the Human Development and Capability (HDCA).
The HDCA is a global community of academics and professionals whose main goal is to promote academic research in public policies in the area of human development and well-being. This association is composed by members of different fields: economics, philosophy, development studies, health, education, law, government and sociology, among others.
The COVID-19 health crisis has had and will have a big impact in our lives. It is a complex situation that is challenging to all of us as individuals, families and workers.
MAGGIE has developed a tool based on indicators that evaluates the gender gap that exists in high-level political events. COVID-19 has altered the way the academic and political conferences are carried out, changing what we know and are trying to study. MAGGIE’s team has then been working on adapting its tool indicators and the monitoring process so it can also be used for online events, not only in situ.
No results were found associated with this research theme.
14/05/2024 - 14/05/2024Salim Chalela Naffah - Govern de Colòmbia
La Generalitat de Catalynya i INGENIO tanquen amb esta un cicle de conferències per al debat reflexiu de les universitats, orientat a la transformació dels sistemes sociotècnics per avançar cap al model socioeconòmic més verd, resilient i just que es postula a la RIS3CAT 2030.
Recent concerns about potential biases against novelty in science and a perceived decline in creativity have raised interest in quantitatively measuring novelty in research outputs such as scientific articles and patents. However, defining and measuring novelty is a complex task, as it involves capturing the elusive spark of creativity, which is inherently unobservable. This paper proposes a systematic approach to tackle these challenges. First, we propose a theoretical framework to conceptualize the novelty, thereby offering clarity in its measurement.
La interdisciplina, así como también la transdisciplina, se han posicionado como un tema de la mayor relevancia en las universidades chilenas. Sin embargo, pese a su progresiva incorporación dentro de los lineamientos estratégicos de las instituciones de educación superior, persisten dudas respecto a sus impactos efectivos, en los modos de generación y transmisión de conocimiento.
01/02/2024 Joaquín María Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
This paper contributes to the literature on the consequences of scientific impact in science. Scientific impact is key to progress and rewarding for researchers. However, the culture of scientific impact puts researchers under competitive pressure, especially when career advances are based on quantitative indicators of scientific impact. The objective of this study is to analyse the effect of scientific impact on the happiness of researchers, a phenomenon underexplored in the literature.
After more than a year of research at INGENIO, I invite you to an immersive exploration of the trajectory of Ukrainian cities during and post-war reconstruction. This seminar unveils a multifaceted analysis merging: a) network mapping of ongoing initiatives and actors within Ukraine, b) perspectives on net-zero transformation, and c) visionary exploration by Ukrainian refugees.
This is very early stage work, which will benefit from an open and constructive exchange of ideas and discussions with the INGENIO community and network. The idea is part of a work-in-progress study on science (non) commercialization (SC). We aim to explain why SC or other ways of knowledge/technology transfer happen more often in some disciplines than in others. The differentiation between basic and applied research or use-inspired basic research (Stoke, 1997) does not fully explain science non-commercialization and commercialization, respectively, within or across disciplines.
Over 90% of clinical trials for cancer disease drugs fail. It is therefore necessary to increase understanding about the factors that increase the success of drug development. In the present thesis, this issue is addressed from the perspective of Innovation Studies. To this end, 103 articles related to clinical trials, published in innovation journals (1984–2021), are revised systematically. The existing findings are summarised, the studies are classified into categories and some suggestions for potential theoretical and methodological advances in Innovation Studies are provided.
23/06/2023Salim Chalela Naffah - Universidad del Rosario
En este seminario se compartirá la experiencia que se ha adelantado en la Universidad del Rosario, en Bogotá – Colombia, para identificar prácticas de investigación vinculadas con el entorno; el objetivo es promover nuevos instrumentos de fomento a la investigación e innovación que no se centren de manera exclusiva en las publicaciones científicas e impacten en los procesos de evaluación de tray
15/06/2023Inma Aleixos Borrás - University of Stuttgart
This is an on-going study in which we explore inductively start-up coaches’ role in developing an entrepreneurial identity in researchers and having impact in research institutions. Our initial working hypothesis was that start-up coaches can play a relevant role in embedding an entrepreneurial mindset in researchers, or steering researchers towards an entrepreneurial horizon. Contrary to our working hypothesis, we found that start-up coaches’ strong commitment with neutrality prevents them from doing so.
08/06/2023Miguel García-Sancho - University of Edinburgh
In this talk, I will explore the development of DNA sequencing as a scientific practice from the mid-1980s onwards. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, I will show that this practice was organised in a variety of ways and that this variety both extends and qualifies the epic history that the proponents of the Human Genome Project mobilised. One of the points of divergence between our stories is that, in my investigation, the sequencing of human DNA was often connected to medical problems.
28/04/2023Dario Diodato - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
We revisit the well-known fact that richer countries tend to produce a larger variety of goods and analyze economic development through (export) diversification. We show that countries are more likely to enter ‘nearby’ industries, i.e., industries that require fewer new occupations. To rationalize this finding, we develop a small open economy (SOE) model of economic development at the extensive industry margin. In our model, industries differ in their input requirements of non-tradeable occupations or tasks.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can make important contributions to scientific research by performing functional tasks such as reviewing prior literature, classifying digital data, or developing new drug compounds. There is less evidence, however, on the potential of AI as a mechanism to manage human workers who perform such research tasks.
19/01/2023Raquel Caerols Mateo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Las interrelaciones arte, ciencia tecnología no deben ni pueden entenderse como saberes escindidos, pues son la génesis y el fundamento conceptual del nacimiento del pensamiento moderno, el abordaje humanista del conocimiento bebe de ahí, y en la era de lo digital la necesidad de la conformación del saber, su alcance innovador hacer más necesario que nunca la transdisciplinaridad de saberes para construir un mundo sostenible.
Las tecnologías de edición genómica se están desarrollando rápidamente y prometen avances significativos para la biomedicina, la agricultura y otros campos. En un primer estudio, analizamos desde una perspectiva macroscópica el proceso de innovación de seis tecnologías genómicas: vectores virales, RNAi, TALEN, meganucleasas, ZFN y CRISPR/Cas para comprender cómo evolucionó la innovación y qué instituciones influyeron en las trayectorias de investigación.
29/09/2022Elvira Uyarra - Alliance Manchester Business School - University of Manchester
Las políticas de innovación se han orientado recientemente hacia un planteamiento más transformador que reconoce la centralidad de la innovación para la resolución de grandes retos sociales. La idea de misiones, en particular, ha cobrado mucho protagonismo en el diseño de políticas de innovación en la Unión Europea y también en muchos de sus estados miembros. Sin embargo, la idea de misiones o políticas transformadoras plantean interrogaciones sobre su implementación, las herramientas a utilizar y, en particular, su relevancia para las políticas de cohesión territorial.
15/09/2022Armela Dino - Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain
The seminar will offer the opportunity to discuss policy evaluation through a realistic approach. Why is science policy hard to evaluate and how can the critical realism offer some solutions? Empirically, the seminar will bring forward the findings of the research carried out when evaluating the highly reputational Spain’s performance based institutional funding programme, the “Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa”, and it will discuss how to bring into the public employees’ identity, the researcher’s one.
14/07/2022Vincenzo Pavone - Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos, CSIC
Last year, nearly 10 per cent of newborn babies in Europe have been born thanks to assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs). In Spain, about one third of them have been born thanks to egg donation schemes. It is no surprise thus, that the growing expansion of ARTs in Europe has been at the center of raging controversies on regulatory and ethical principles, on the one side, and on commercialization and exploitation on the other side, with special attention to the role played by individual motivations in egg donation.
26/05/2022 Maria Mercedes Corral Strassmann - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Con esta contribución se propone una reflexión y los primeros insumos para una posible batería de indicadores que permitan la medición del impacto social de las diversas actividades de relacionamiento de la universidad, independientemente de si las actividades vienen de extensión, investigación o docencia.
21/03/2022Lola Elejalde Hernani - Directora de Internacional de Innobasque
La charla versará sobre la necesidad de mirar al futuro que tienen las organizaciones, el proyecto de extensión de la cultura de prospectiva que pusimos en marcha en Innobasque en 2019, sus resultados y las claves para hacer vigilancia y prospectiva.
A presentation of the European project RISIS to which INGENIO participates. RISIS (European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies) aims at building a data and services infrastructure supporting the development of a new generation of analyses and indicators about Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). It provides 14 datasets about STI, services for data enhancement and analysis (e.g. geocoding, network analysis), and a portal to access and connect these datasets and services.