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E-skills and income inequality within European regions
Consoli, D., Castellacci, F., Santoalha, A., 2023. In: Industry & Innovation.

Green technology and income inequality: an empirical analysis of US metro areas
Nicolò Barbieri, Davide Consoli, Giovanni Marin, François Perruchas, 2023. In: Regional Studies.

Routinization, within-occupation task changes and long-run employment dynamics
Davide Consoli, Giovanni Marin, Francesco Rentocchini, Francesco Vona, 2023. In: Research Policy.

We're in this together: Sustainable energy and economic competitiveness in the EU
Davide Consoli, Valeria Costantini, Elena Paglialunga, 2023. In: Research Policy.

Climate change and armed conflicts in Africa: temporal persistence, non‑linear climate impact and geographical spillovers
Federica Cappelli, Caterina Conigliani, Davide Consoli, Valeria Costantini, Elena Paglialunga , 2022. In: Economía Política.

Green innovation and income inequality: A complex system analysis
Lorenzo Napolitano, Angelica Sbardella, Davide Consoli, Nicolò Barbieri, François Perruchas, 2022. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

Regional technological capabilities and green opportunities in Europe
Nicolò Barbieri, Davide Consoli, Lorenzo Napolitano, François Perruchas, Emanuele Pugliese, Angelica Sbardella, 2022. In: Journal of Technology Transfer.

Resilience, Skill Endowment, and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas
Fabrizio Fusillo, Davide Consoli, Francesco Quatraro, 2022. In: Economic Geography.

From brawn to brains: manufacturing-KIBS interdependency
Elche, D., Consoli, D., Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M., 2021. In: Regional Studies.

International trade and climate change. Part of the problem or part of the solution?
Federica Cappelli, Davide Francesco Salvatore Consoli, Valeria Costantini, et al., 2021. In: .

Skill endowment, routinisation and digital technologies: evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Davide Consoli, Fabrizio Fusillo, Gianluca Orsatti , Francesco Quatraro, 2021. In: Industry and Innovation.

The trap of climate change-induced 'natural' disasters and inequality
Cappelli, F., Consoli, D., Costantini, V., 2021. In: Global Environmental Change.

"Public Procurement, local labour markets and green technological change: Evidence from US Commuting Zones
Orsatti, G., Perruchas, F., Consoli, D., Quatraro, F., 2020. In: Environmental and Resource Economics.

Specialisation, diversification and the ladder of green technology development
François Perruchas, Davide Consoli, Nicolò Barbieri, 2020. In: Research Policy.

The role of e-skills in technological diversification in European regions
Fulvio Castellacci, Davide Consoli, Artur Santoalha, 2020. In: Regional Studies.

Polarization and the growth of low‐skill service jobs in Spanish local labor markets
Davide Consoli, Mabel Sánchez‐Barrioluengo, 2019. In: Journal of Regional Science.

Employment Polarization in Germany: Role of Technology, Trade and Human Capital
Ipsita Roy, Davide Consoli, 2018. In: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics.

La digitalització de la societat ha augmentat les desigualtats existents entre la classe mitjana i la classe baixa a Europa. Aquesta és una de les principals conclusions d'un recent estudi…

La digitalización de la sociedad ha aumentado las desigualdades existentes entre la clase media y la clase baja en Europa. Esta es una de las principales conclusiones de un reciente estudio…

Inequality negatively affects countries’ capacity to develop green innovation. At the same time, high income countries are less affected relative to middle income ones – and this could be the source…

Els països amb més desigualtats socioeconòmiques internes veuen limitada la capacitat d'innovació verda. Alhora, als països amb més ingressos, les mateixes desigualtats del país no suposen un llast…

Los países con más desigualdades socioeconómicas internas ven limitada su capacidad de innovación “verde”. Al mismo tiempo, en los países con más ingresos, las propias desigualdades del país no…

La descoordinación entre las políticas energéticas de los países europeos supone un lastre para su competitividad internacional y para reducir sus emisiones de carbono globales. Así lo concluye un…

Climate change influences the likelihood and duration of armed conflicts in Africa. This is the result of a study carried out by a team from the INGENIO Institute, a joint centre of the Universitat…

El cambio climático influye en la probabilidad de que se produzcan conflictos armados en África y en la duración de los mismos. Así se deriva de un estudio realizado por un equipo del Instituto…

The website “Green Tech Database” has been developed with the objective to provide emperical evidences about the distribution and the evolution of green technologies development over the world. The…

Con el objetivo de generar evidencia empírica sobre la distribución y la evolución de las tecnologías verdes en el mundo, se ha desarrollado la web “Green Tech Database”. La herramienta ha sido…

Davide Consoli participa en las "Jornadas sobre Conocimiento, Innovación y Empleo" que se celebran en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales en Cuenca el 14 de Noviembre del 2018.
Davide, científico…

Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo presents the paper "Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets" (coauthored with Davide Consoli) at the 2015 Regional Studies Association Conference in Piacenza (…

Davide Consoli publishes a blog post on VoxEU based on his ongoing collaborative research on Green Skills.
The greening of the economy brings with it changes in the demand for certain skills in the…

INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) invites international researchers who aim to develop their careers in the fields of innovation, science and technology policy studies and human and sustainable development through…

From brawn to brains: manufacturing-KIBS interdependency
Dioni Elche, Davide Consoli, Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2017-01
Regional Human Capital and University Orientation: A case study on Spain
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo, Davide Consoli
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2016-01
A Taxonomy of Multi-Industry Labour Force Skills
Davide Consoli, Francesco Rentocchini
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2015-01
An analysis of the knowledge base of Scientific Research & Development Business Services
Davide Consoli, Dioni Elche
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2014-01
That was then, this is now: Skills and Routinization in the 2000s
Davide Consoli, Francesco Vona, Francesco Rentocchini
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2013-06
Knowledge Flows and Public-Private Cooperation across National Contexts
Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Davide Consoli
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2013-04
Knowledge systematisation and the development of a business function: the case of design
Beatrice D’Ippolito, Marcela Miozzo, Davide Consoli
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2012-02
Whatever works: uncertainty and technological hybrids in medical innovation
David Barberá-Tomás, Davide Consoli
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2011-12
The evolution of the knowledge base in professional service sectors
Davide Consoli, Dioni Elche Hortelano
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2011-04
Patterns of organization in the development of medical know-how: the case of glaucoma research
Davide Consoli, Ronnie Ramlogan
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2010-06
An analysis of the Graduate Labour Market in Finland: the impact of Spatial Agglomeration and Skill-Job Mismatches
Davide Consoli, Francesco Vona, Toni Saarivirta
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2010-02
Variety in the Knowledge base of Business Service sectors
Davide Consoli, Dioni Elche Hortelano
INGENIO Working Papers Series - 2009-09
Pathways of regional specialization in the Spanish wind energy sector
Cristian Matti; Elvira Uyarra; Davide Consoli
XVI Triple Helix Conference 2018
Public procurement, local labor market and green technological change: Evidence from US Commuting Zones
Orsatti, G., Perruchas, F., Consoli, D., Quatraro, F.
Research Network on Innovation Workshop "Financing Innovation in a Turbulent World"
From brawn to brains: manufacturing-KIBS interdependency
Elche, D., Sanchez-Barrioluengo, M., Consoli, D.
4th Geography of Innovation Conference
Public procurement, local labor markets and green technological change: Evidence from US Commuting Zones
Orsatti, G., Perruchas, F., Consoli, D., Quatraro, F.
4th Geography of Innovation Conference
Specialization, diversification and environmental technology life-cycle
Perruchas, F., Barbieri, N., Consoli, D.
4th Geography of Innovation Conference
e-skills: implications for jobs and innovation
Consoli, D., Santoalha, A., Castellacci, F.
TIK Seminar Series
Routinization and Employment Dynamics: the Role of Within-Occupation Task Changes
Vona, F., Marin, G., Consoli, D., Rentocchini, F.
OFCE, SKEMA, CNRS-GREDEG, U. of Nice Workshop "Trade, Innovation and the Changing Nature of Jobs"
What do you mean by Green Technology? A life cycle analysis
Perruchas, F., Barbieri, N., Consoli, D.
SEEDS Workshop
Innovation, Employment and the Environment
Consoli, D.
4th Doctoral Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge
Related Variety and Green Jobs in US Metro Areas
Barbieri, N., Consoli, D.
SPRU, 50th Anniversary Conference
Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets
Consoli, D., Sanchez-Barrioluengo, M.
EURKIND Innovation Employment and the Environment Conference
Green Skills
Vona, F., Marin, G., Consoli, D., Popp, D.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting
Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets
Consoli, D. and Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.
Governance of a Complex World 2015
Low-skill employment in Spanish Local Labour Markets
Consoli, D.; Sánchez Barrioluengo, M.
The Regional Studies Annual Conference 2015. "Global Growth Agendas: Regions, Institutions and Sustainability
That Was Then, This is Now: Skills and Routinization in the 2000s
Marin, G., Vona, F., Consoli, D., Rentocchini, F.
Explaining Economic Change
Pathways of regional specialization in the Spanish wind energy sector
Matti, C., Consoli, D., Uyarra, E.
Regional Innovation Policies Conference
The Skill-Content of Green Technologies
Consoli, D., Marin, G., Marzucchi, A. and Vona, F.
15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS)
Regional Human Capital and University Orientation – a Case Study on Spain
Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M., Consoli, D.
15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS)
The Network Structure of Knowledge – a Sectoral Analysis of Work Skills
Consoli, D., M. Tur, E.
15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS)
Regional pathways of smart specialization: the case of wind energy in Spain
Matti, C., Consoli, D.
Governance of a Complex World