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La generació i aplicació de coneixement requereix intercanvis entre diversos actors socials que operen baix diferents lògiques. INGENIO analitza la creixent rellevància de les pràctiques cooperatives i inclusives en investigació; la co-creació de coneixement amb particular recalcament en les relacions de col·laboració entre actors acadèmics i no acadèmics, i la investigació transdisciplinar.


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Mapping new knowledge: Using novelty measures critically
09/05/2024 Magda Fontana - University of Turin

Recent concerns about potential biases against novelty in science and a perceived decline in creativity have raised interest in quantitatively measuring novelty in research outputs such as scientific articles and patents. However, defining and measuring novelty is a complex task, as it involves capturing the elusive spark of creativity, which is inherently unobservable. This paper proposes a systematic approach to tackle these challenges. First, we propose a theoretical framework to conceptualize the novelty, thereby offering clarity in its measurement.

Scientific impact: Blessing or curse? Researchers’ happiness and work-life balance
01/02/2024 Joaquín María Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

This paper contributes to the literature on the consequences of scientific impact in science. Scientific impact is key to progress and rewarding for researchers. However, the culture of scientific impact puts researchers under competitive pressure, especially when career advances are based on quantitative indicators of scientific impact. The objective of this study is to analyse the effect of scientific impact on the happiness of researchers, a phenomenon underexplored in the literature.

The contribution of economic growth and university knowledge to the technological quality of business patents
30/11/2023 Manuel Acosta, Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro, Daniel Coronado, Esther Ferrándiz - University of Cádiz (UCA)

This paper is inspired by two opposing hypotheses about the relationship between innovation and business cycles. According to the first hypothesis, innovation is cyclical with firms choosing to lower their innovation efforts during economic downturns. The second hypothesis claims that innovation is counter-cyclical and recessions are a fertile environment for firms to innovate.

Building a “digital machine” to study emotions about nature and animals on social media
26/10/2023 Isaac Nahon-Serfaty - University of Ottawa

The object of this project is nature and the “natural” understood as the non-human, including non-human sentient beings, the plant and mineral kingdoms. The main goal is to expand our understanding of the economy of emotions in the digital communication ecosystem to the field of nature and the “natural” that are part of several public discourses (e.g. ecologism, animal rights, green activism, veganism, etc.). Placing the visually grotesque (i.e. disruptive, shocking) and kitschy (i.e.

Arte, comunicación científica e impacto de la investigación
05/10/2023 Joaquín Azagra Caro - INGENIO (CSCI-UPV)

El objetivo es difundir una línea de investigación híbrida entre los Estudios sobre Ciencia y Tecnología y los Estudios sobre Comunicación Científica, que puede descubrir nuevas maneras de hacer investigación y alentar las vocaciones investigadoras. La comunicación científica mediante el arte es importante para mejorar la comprensión pública de la ciencia y las relaciones entre investigadores y sociedad.

How do cooperation and scientific research influence drug development? The case of cancer disease
06/07/2023 Sihan Li - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

Over 90% of clinical trials for cancer disease drugs fail. It is therefore necessary to increase understanding about the factors that increase the success of drug development. In the present thesis, this issue is addressed from the perspective of Innovation Studies. To this end, 103 articles related to clinical trials, published in innovation journals (1984–2021), are revised systematically. The existing findings are summarised, the studies are classified into categories and some suggestions for potential theoretical and methodological advances in Innovation Studies are provided.

Sequencing, bibliometrics and history: a from-below approach to the emergence of human genomics
08/06/2023 Miguel García-Sancho - University of Edinburgh

In this talk, I will explore the development of DNA sequencing as a scientific practice from the mid-1980s onwards. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, I will show that this practice was organised in a variety of ways and that this variety both extends and qualifies the epic history that the proponents of the Human Genome Project mobilised. One of the points of divergence between our stories is that, in my investigation, the sequencing of human DNA was often connected to medical problems.

Ciencia y literatura ¿dos culturas o productos de una misma cultura? Una mirada histórica
11/05/2023 María Luz López Terrada - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

Este seminario se plantea como una reflexión desde la historia de la ciencia en torno a las distintas formas en que se puede entender la relación y la interacción entre la ciencia y la literatura, dos campos que a menudo se consideran opuestos o antagónicos.

Managerial academia: Understanding the organizational factors shaping researchers' motivations to engage with industry
04/05/2023 Ana María Gómez-Aguayo - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

The academic debate about university-industry engagement often centres on the strategic aspects of these interactions, particularly those related to the benefits associated with knowledge exchange and learning. In a broader sense, it is assumed that these interactions are fundamental to improving science and innovation. However, the core of the innovation system lies in the researcher, specifically in their internal motivation to engage with companies, which can determine the success of the knowledge transfer and outputs.

Crowds and machines: AI as a manager in large-scale science and innovation projects
04/04/2023 Henry Sauermann - ESMT Berlin

Artificial intelligence (AI) can make important contributions to scientific research by performing functional tasks such as reviewing prior literature, classifying digital data, or developing new drug compounds. There is less evidence, however, on the potential of AI as a mechanism to manage human workers who perform such research tasks.

The ambiguous role of science and technology in Marvel superhero comics: From their ‘Golden Age’ to the present-day
23/03/2023 Alessandro Muscio - University of Foggia

Science and Technology (S&T) is a key aspect of superhero comic books. Comics reach a vast audience and are rife with scientific references. They represent a valuable resource for communicating the value of science in popular culture. The Marvel universe has evolved exponentially since its birth in 1939, breaking into the cinema industry and reaching new audiences. However, a glance at some popular Marvel characters raises some concern about the part played by S&T in superhero stories and the debatable effects of S&T on superhero characters.

Who can ‘Test. Test. Test.’? Boundary work around the scaling up of diagnostic testing in Spain and the UK during the covid-19 pandemic
02/03/2023 David Barberá-Tomás - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

David Barbera-Tomás1, James Bates2 , Enrique Meseguer1 and Michael M. Hopkins2
1Ingenio (CSIC-UPV), Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
2Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, UK.

Human-centred AI Security, Ethics and Privacy
16/02/2023 José M. Such - King’s College London

This talk will have two main parts: 1) risks in AI systems; 2) AI for online safety. In the first part, I will talk about three risks of using AI: security, privacy, and discrimination. I will show that attacks that can be performed to exploit AI models and attack the systems that use them, that AI-based systems can be privacy-intrusive, and that AI-based systems may have biases that may lead to discriminate against particular types of users (e.g. based on gender/ethnicity). I will then outline our current research and projects on making AI safer.

Understanding knowledge production in the twenty-first century
13/02/2023 Jinhyuk Yun - School of AI Convergence, Soongsil University

In this seminar, I will present a summary of my findings regarding the structure of innovation and collaborative knowledge based on two primary datasets, Wikipedia and Scientific papers. The presentation consists of three distinct sections. 1) Understanding the oligopoly of super-editors in collective knowledge [1, 2], 2) locating the silk road of knowledge transfer (or diffusion) in the 21st century utilizing Wikipedia [3, 4], and 3) quantifying team chemistry in scientific collaboration of duos [5].

Arte, ciencia, tecnología, una escisión imposible. La transdisciplinariedad como motor para la innovación del conocimiento
19/01/2023 Raquel Caerols Mateo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Las interrelaciones arte, ciencia tecnología no deben ni pueden entenderse como saberes escindidos, pues son la génesis y el fundamento conceptual del nacimiento del pensamiento moderno, el abordaje humanista del conocimiento bebe de ahí, y en la era de lo digital la necesidad de la conformación del saber, su alcance innovador hacer más necesario que nunca la transdisciplinaridad de saberes para construir un mundo sostenible.

Estructura, evolución y financiamiento de la investigación sobre las tecnologías de edición genómica CRISPR
12/01/2023 David Fajardo Ortiz - KU Leuven

Las tecnologías de edición genómica se están desarrollando rápidamente y prometen avances significativos para la biomedicina, la agricultura y otros campos. En un primer estudio, analizamos desde una perspectiva macroscópica el proceso de innovación de seis tecnologías genómicas: vectores virales, RNAi, TALEN, meganucleasas, ZFN y CRISPR/Cas para comprender cómo evolucionó la innovación y qué instituciones influyeron en las trayectorias de investigación.

Diplomacia científica y Guerra Fría en España, 1959-1986 Sesión día 27 de abril
27/04/2022 Oscar J. Martin - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

La diplomacia científica constituye un elemento central de la acción exterior de muchos gobiernos y un instrumento fundamental para abordar los actuales retos globales. Sin embargo, el estudio de esta cuestión carece de una perspectiva histórica que ilumine los factores, contextos y experiencias que han moldeado su desarrollo en el último siglo. Una laguna historiográfica que también se observa en el caso de España durante el crucial periodo del segundo franquismo y de la transición democrática.

Diplomacia científica y Guerra Fría en España, 1959-1986 Sesión día 26 de abril
26/04/2022 Oscar J. Martin - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)

La diplomacia científica constituye un elemento central de la acción exterior de muchos gobiernos y un instrumento fundamental para abordar los actuales retos globales. Sin embargo, el estudio de esta cuestión carece de una perspectiva histórica que ilumine los factores, contextos y experiencias que han moldeado su desarrollo en el último siglo. Una laguna historiográfica que también se observa en el caso de España durante el crucial periodo del segundo franquismo y de la transición democrática.

“Quantity, Variety, or both? “R&D Worker Flows, Diversity, and effects on Inventive output”
31/03/2022 Isabel M. Bodas Freitas - Grenoble Ecole de Management

The voluntary flow of R&D employees into and out of the organization allows the regeneration of ideas and knowledge within the organization, but it also disrupt the communication and working routines. This study conceptualizes the effect of R&D worker flows on the inventive output of firms, as resulting from the direction (inbound/outbound), the levels, as well as the composition of these flows. Empirically, we use biannual data on French firms involved in R&D activities between 2007 and 2015.

La cultura de prospectiva en las organizaciones
21/03/2022 Lola Elejalde Hernani - Directora de Internacional de Innobasque

La charla versará sobre la necesidad de mirar al futuro que tienen las organizaciones, el proyecto de extensión de la cultura de prospectiva que pusimos en marcha en Innobasque en 2019, sus resultados y las claves para hacer vigilancia y prospectiva.